Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Big Bang

If the universe is expanding, what is it expanding it from?

Big Bang Theory - 1 theory
-approximately 14 billion years ago.
- space and time were actually created during the big bang.
- all matter and energy was found in one dense, pressurized, extremely hot point(a very very small point!)
- in an instant, the point expanded and began creating the universe
- the early universe expanded rapidly
- hubble's use of red/blue shifting gives some concrete evidence to support this theory

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Circulatory System - Library Assignment

Three Tasks to Complete
1.  Define the Pulmonary and Systemic Circulatory Systems.

2. Complete the diagram summarizing the Systemic Circulatory System.  Use the following website.

3. Complete a simple diagram of the human heart.  Include the following labels.
a. left atrium
b. left ventricle
c. right atrium
d. right ventricle
e. direction of blood flow.
f.  Explain why the heart has valves?